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FWS Podcast

Mar 25, 2021

In these Doctrinal Dialogues, members of the Fundamental Wesleyan Society have a roundtable discussion about various sermons by John Wesley. This is the first part of a discussion on Wesley's sermons "A Caution Against Bigotry" and "Catholic Spirit." There is a link to the sermons below. 

A Caution Against Bigotry

Mar 18, 2021

In these Doctrinal Dialogues, members of the Fundamental Wesleyan Society have a roundtable discussion about various sermons by John Wesley. This is the second part of a discussion on Wesley's sermon "On Sin in Believers." There is a link to the sermon below. 

On Sin in Believers 

Mar 11, 2021

In these Doctrinal Dialogues, members of the Fundamental Wesleyan Society have a roundtable discussion about various sermons by John Wesley. This is the first part of a discussion on Wesley's sermon "On Sin in Believers." There is a link to the sermon below. 

On Sin in...

Mar 4, 2021

In these Doctrinal Dialogues, members of the Fundamental Wesleyan Society have a roundtable discussion about various sermons by John Wesley. This is the second part of a discussion on Wesley's sermon "Scriptural Christianity." There is a link to the sermon below.